by Dick Colgan
(newberg, or. 97132)
Many years ago, probably in the early sixties,four of us were given a tour of the buffalo gold mine, which is out of sumpter. It was quite interesting and I remember the name of the people that owned the mine. Jackson-Jim and i believe Jesse.
The mine was in operation and they had a nice mill. At the time the mill was pretty new and I believe their house was also new.
Also, in the late fifties, a couple of us with the top down on my sunbeam visited eastern or. and went to the cornucopia and also the horse heaven hills mercury mine out of ashwood and I beleive it was owned by an outfit in palo alto.
I am sure that the horse heaven mine bldgs etc. were in better shape than now.. I remember one bldg which was full of core samples.
That's all for now.
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